Prime Time & Design Compiler培訓 |
班級規模及環境--熱線:4008699035 手機:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同號) |
堅持小班授課,為保證培訓效果,增加互動環節,每期人數限3到5人。 |
上課時間和地點 |
上課地點:【上!浚和瑵髮W(滬西)/新城金郡商務樓(11號線白銀路站) 【深圳分部】:電影大廈(地鐵一號線大劇院站)/深圳大學成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大樓 【南京分部】:金港大廈(和燕路) 【武漢分部】:佳源大廈(高新二路) 【成都分部】:領館區1號(中和大道) 【沈陽分部】:沈陽理工大學/六宅臻品 【鄭州分部】:鄭州大學/錦華大廈 【石家莊分部】:河北科技大學/瑞景大廈 【廣州分部】:廣糧大廈 【西安分部】:協同大廈
近開課時間(周末班/連續班/晚班):Prime Time & Design Compiler培訓:2025年3月24日........................(歡迎您垂詢,視教育質量為生命!) |
實驗設備 |
★實驗設備請點擊這兒查看★ |
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◆在讀學生憑學生證,可優惠500元。 |
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3、培訓合格學員可享受免費推薦就業機會。 |
Prime Time & Design Compiler培訓
第一階段 Prime Time
Unit 1
Unit 2 ?
Unit 3?
Unit 4:
Does your design meet timing?
Objects, Attributes, Collections
Constraints in a timing report
Timing arcs in a timing report
Control which paths are reported
Unit 5:
Summary Reports
Create a setup file and run script
Validate a run script
Getting to know your clocks
Unit 6
Debug the design clocks
Analysis types and back annotation
Additional checks and constraints
第二階段 Design Compiler
Unit 1
* Introduction to Synthesis
* Setting Up and Saving Designs
* Design and Library Objects
* Area and Timing Constraints
Unit 2
* Partitioning for Synthesis
* Environmental Attributes
* Compile Commands
* Timing Analysis
* More Constraint Considerations
Unit 3
* More Constraint Considerations(lab)
* Multiple Clock/Cycle Designs
* Synthesis techniques and Flows
* Post-Synthesis Output Data
* Conclusion