Synopsys Prime Time 1 培訓班 |
入學要求 |
◆ 電路系統的基本概念。 |
班級規模及環境--熱線:4008699035 手機:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同號) |
堅持小班授課,為保證培訓效果,增加互動環節,每期人數限3到5人。 |
上課時間和地點 |
上課地點:【上海】:同濟大學(滬西)/新城金郡商務樓(11號線白銀路站) 【深圳分部】:電影大廈(地鐵一號線大劇院站)/深圳大學成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大樓 【南京分部】:金港大廈(和燕路) 【武漢分部】:佳源大廈(高新二路) 【成都分部】:領館區1號(中和大道) 【沈陽分部】:沈陽理工大學/六宅臻品 【鄭州分部】:鄭州大學/錦華大廈 【石家莊分部】:河北科技大學/瑞景大廈 【廣州分部】:廣糧大廈 【西安分部】:協同大廈
近開課時間(周末班/連續班/晚班):Synopsys Prime Time 1 培訓班:2025年3月24日........................(歡迎您垂詢,視教育質量為生命!) |
實驗設備 |
★實驗設備請點擊這兒查看★ |
新優惠 |
◆在讀學生憑學生證,可優惠500元。 |
質量保障 |
3、培訓合格學員可享受免費推薦就業機會。 |
Synopsys Prime Time 1 培訓班
This workshop shows you how to maximize your productivity when using PrimeTime. You will validate and enhance run scripts, quickly identify and debug your design violations by generating and interpreting timing reports, remove pessimism with path-based analysis, and generate ECO fixing guidance to downstream tools.
Topics include:
- Preparing for STA on your design, including investigating and analyzing the clocks that dictate STA results
- Validating inherited PrimeTime run scripts
- Leveraging the latest PrimeTime best practices to create new run scripts
- Identifying opportunities to improve run time
- Performing static timing analysis
- Providing ECO fixing guidance to downstream tools
At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
- Interpret the essential details in a timing report for setup and hold, recovery and removal, and clock-gating setup and hold
- Generate timing reports for specific paths and with specific details
- Generate summary reports of the design violations organized by clock, slack, or by timing check
- Validate, confirm, debug, enhance, and execute a PrimeTime run script
- Create a PrimeTime run script based on seed scripts from the RMgen utility
- Identify opportunities to improve run time
- Create a saved session and subsequently restore the saved session
- Identify the clocks, where they are defined, and which ones interact on an unfamiliar design
- Reduce pessimism using path-based analysis
- Use both a broad automatic flow for fixing setup and hold violations and a manual flow for tackling individual problem paths.
Audience Profile
Design or verification engineers who perform STA using PrimeTime.
To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students should have:
- A basic understanding of digital IC design
- Familiarity with UNIX workstations running X-windows
- Familiarity with vi, emacs, or other UNIX text editors
Course Outline
- Does your design meet timing?
- Objects, Attributes, Collections
- Constraints in a timing report
- Timing arcs in a timing report
- Control which paths are reported
- Summary Reports
- Create a setup file and run script
- Getting to know your clocks
- Analysis types and back annotation
- Additional checks and constraints
- Path-Based Analysis and ECO Flow
- Emerging Technologies and Conclusion