Course Topics |
1. Introduction to electromagnetic transients in power systems and simulations. |
? Local oscillation of lumped L-C elements?
? Travelling waves in lines, cables and bus bars?
? Damping of transients due to system resistance?
? Building the power system model |
2. Introduction to PSCAD: Important component models and features, and developing simulation cases. |
? Tutorial - Creating a small simulation case using PSCAD |
? Building the power system?
? Data entry?
? Results, graphs, plots, and meters?
?EnergyInteractive control features of PSCAD (sliders, push buttons, dials and switches) |
3. Development of an AC system model suitable for: |
? Temporary over voltage studies?
? Switching over voltage studies?
? Network resonance?
? Representation of power system elements such as lines and cables, transformers, and shunt devices?
? Representation of surge arresters?
? Network equivalences?
? Model validation?
? Discussion of prior outage and contingency conditions?
? ‘Multiple run’ feature of PSCAD parametric studies |
4. Network frequency scan studies. |
5. Overhead and cable transmission line constants |
? Frequency dependant line models |
6. AC switching transients |
7. Transformers |
? Saturation?
? High frequency representation |
8. Surge arrester |
? Non liner characteristics, voltage and energy ratings?
? High frequency representation |
9. Temporary over voltage studies including network resonance |
? Ferranti effect?
? Transformer energizing
? Faults |
10. Switching frequency over voltage studies |
? Parametric studies to identify worst case?
? Determination of surge arrester ratings from a switching surge perspective |
11. Breaker TRV studies |
? Tutorial - Transient recovery voltage across breakers |
? Determination of station stray capacitance values and representation in the study over voltages?
? IEEE breaker capability curves and applicable international standards?
? Fault level, fault type and duration
? Mitigation methods |
12.?Capacitor bank switching considerations |
? Tutorial –?Capacitor bank switching including breaker re-strikes |
–Arrester Energy rating
?? Over Voltages
?? Resonance issues
???Mitigation methods |
13. Development of a simulation model to study lightning induced over voltages |
? Representation of transmission lines, towers and insulators?
? Representation of the lightning surge?
? Representation of surge arresters?
? Representation of substation bus bars and equipment (including transformers)?
? Representation of bushing and stray capacitances?
? Implementing the flash over mechanism based on insulator ‘striking distance’ |
14. Lightning induced over voltage studies |
? Direct lightning strikes?
? Tutorial - Over voltage at a substation transformer terminal due to a lightning strike?
? Determination of station stray capacitance values and representation in the study over
? Representing stray capacitances?
? Representing arresters?
? Representing bus-bars?
? Representing long lines
? Positioning of arresters
? Statistical analysis |
? Back Flashover?
? Tutorial - Modeling a back-flashover event |
? Effect of tower footing resistance
? Modeling the structure of the transmission tower to represent travelling surges representing stray capacitances |
15. Arc models and breaker actions |
? Breaker close |
? "Statistical breaker close” component and example |
? Breaker open |
? "breaker arc” component and example
? "reignition” component and example
? Breaker restrike |
? Fault arc |
? "fault arc” component and example |
? Electric arc furnace |
? "EAF” component and example |