        Frontier Analyst 4.3 丨 數據包絡分析軟件培訓
           班級人數--熱線:4008699035 手機:15921673576/13918613812( 微信同號)
              增加互動環節, 保障培訓效果,堅持小班授課,每個班級的人數限3到5人,超過限定人數,安排到下一期進行學習。
        上課地點:【上海】:同濟大學(滬西)/新城金郡商務樓(11號線白銀路站) 【深圳分部】:電影大廈(地鐵一號線大劇院站)/深圳大學成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山/福鑫大樓 【南京分部】:金港大廈(和燕路) 【武漢分部】:佳源大廈(高新二路) 【成都分部】:領館區1號(中和大道) 【廣州分部】:廣糧大廈 【西安分部】:協同大廈 【沈陽分部】:沈陽理工大學/六宅臻品 【鄭州分部】:鄭州大學/錦華大廈 【石家莊分部】:河北科技大學/瑞景大廈
                ☆注重質量 ☆邊講邊練


              ☆ 1、如有部分內容理解不透或消化不好,可免費在以后培訓班中重聽;
              ☆ 2、在課程結束之后,授課老師會留給學員手機和E-mail,免費提供半年的課程技術支持,以便保證培訓后的繼續消化;

        • ATLAS.ti是一個功能強大的工作臺,用于對大量文本,圖形,音頻和視頻數據進行定性分析。先進的工具可幫助您以創新,系統的方式安排,重新組裝和管理您的材料。ATLAS.ti讓您將注意力聚焦于資料本身。無論您的專業領域為人類學、經濟學、刑事犯罪學或者醫學∶ATLAS.ti都將滿足您對數據定性分析的需要!
        • ATLAS.ti的眾多強項之一是它能處理種類極其繁多的媒體類型
        • ATLAS.ti提供的工作媒體類型范圍極其廣泛。無論是對數以百計的音頻片段或者成千的照片進行譯碼, ATLAS.ti都不會令您失望!
        • ATLAS.ti可以處理絕大多數的常見文本、圖像、音頻和視頻數據格式。多信息文本文件可能包含獨特的格式、動態網頁鏈接、以及內嵌式對象,諸如 Excel表格、 PowerPoint幻燈片、音頻和視頻片斷。請您自由享受在多種文件格式下的工作,其中包括 20多種圖像格式和許多音頻格式(包括WAV, MP3, WMA),以及絕大多數的常用視頻格式(包括 AVI, MPG, WMV)。
        • ATLAS.ti工具和特性適用于您的復雜項目
        • 您的 ATLAS.ti中心工作臺是注釋單元編輯器。請將它想象成您的項目集裝箱。注釋單元將所給項目的所有初始文件組織起來。初始文件再現您需要分析的文本、圖像、音頻和視頻資料。
        • 對所有基本項目元素的訪問,諸如初始文件、引文、編碼和備注,都非常迅速方便。用于增強控制的專用管理窗口可以在任何時候予以激活。譯碼過程可以簡單地通過從編碼管理器到所選數據片斷的拖動來完成。
        • 通過對象管理器、對象瀏覽器和同步瀏覽器瀏覽、駕馭您的項目數據。將您的闡述見解在一張電子地圖中可視化,猶如自身遨游其中。
        • 強大的工具集
        • ATLAS.ti提供了一套功能強大且足夠靈活的工具和功能,可以深入了解復雜的數據資料。
        • ATLAS.ti中的中央工作區充當項目數據的容器。訪問所有基本項目組件,例如文檔,突出顯示/編碼數據段,代碼,備忘錄,超鏈接,組或網絡,既快速又舒適。
        • 只需將代碼拖到選定的數據上即可完成編碼。通過對象管理器,項目瀏覽器和共生資源管理器,您可以瀏覽項目數據。
        • ?
        • 以語義上有意義的方式鏈接您的發現。
        • ?
        • 隨時隨地在數字思維導圖中顯示您的發現和解釋。
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        • 系統化的編碼以及開發適用于您特定研究學科的系統
        • 深度認識您的資料。通過網絡編輯器、文本查找工具、自動編碼器、對象爬行搜索器、高能文字計算器和查詢工具探索您的數據。這些工具將幫助您發現您數據的質地紋理攝,以及其錯綜交織的含義。
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        • 獨特的功能
        • 該互動邊緣區域是ATLAS.ti中一個獨特的工作空間不被市場上的任何其他程序超越。它允許以獨特直觀的方式與您的數據進行交互,以數字方式傳輸數字世界中的傳統紙筆類比。
        • 強勁團隊工作支持
        • ATLAS.ti 以多種高效方式支持協同工作。通過一些專門工具(例如用戶管理工具和注釋單元合并器)以及應用軟件的通用原則(對每個分析和生成的數據片斷明確指派擁有人),協同工作輕而易舉。超文本/XML生成器和 XSLT 轉換器便于您將資料發布以及在線交互。所有這些新技術的工具(以及更多)幫助研究人員快速有效地工作。
        • 主要功能:
        • The next milestone in professional qualitative data analysis.
        • ATLAS.ti is one of the most powerful tools for qualitative research. Managed documents, multi-document view, high-performance multimedia engine, intuitive margin-area coding for all data types, and much more.
        • Multimedia
        • ATLAS.ti offers state-of-the art multimedia processing. Frame-level and wave previews make coding audio and video material a joy; images can be fully coded in every detail and segments can even be moved and re-sized.
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        • Audio and Video documents
        • When you add a video document to a project, preview images are created. Next to the preview images you see the audio wave form. By right-clicking on the video preview you can set a number of display options in the context menu.
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        • Zooming In
        • Sliders appear when you move the mouse pointer over the full preview and let you select just the section of the video that you want to see in the margin area:
        • Display of Audio files
        • Audio files are displayed in a similar manner. Instead of the video image, you see a white background displaying the file name and the audio wave form. You can zoom in on the audio wave as needed:
        • Multi-Docs
        • You can open up to four documents side-by-side in the ATLAS.ti HU editor. This opens up fantastic possibilities for comparative work and makes work faster and more efficient all around.
        • Work on Multiple Documents At The Same Time
        • Documents can be dragged from the navigation pane or the P-Docs Manager onto the region button to open them.
        • HU editor with two document regions
        • Work on all open documents in their own margin-areas. All features and tools are available, so you can code, link, and annotate all as you would with a singe document.
        • You can switch the margin area off if you simply want to compare documents. To change the position of the documents, drag & drop them into the desired region:
        • Moving documents between regions
        • Linking Across Documents
        • The multi-document view makes it easy to link sections across various documents. Simply drag and drop a quotation between regions (1) to create what is called a hyperlink (3) in ATLAS.ti. The relation between the two data segments can be labeled (2), e.g. using a relation like supports, explains, contracts or discusses. You can chose amongst a number of predefined lables or create your own.
        • Creating hyperlinks across regions
        • Double-click on a hyperlink and a window pops up providing information on the linked quotation. Or use the short-cut Ctrl + double-click to immediately jump to the linked quotation. If the document containing the linked quotation is not currently loaded, it is loaded into the neighboring region and you can view the linked segments side-by-side.
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        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • Analysis
        • ATLAS.ti 7 is a powerful analytical tool. Its individual analysis options are centrally organized and designed for maximum efficiency, accuracy, and performance. Cloud views provide very quick, accurate, and yet intuitive analytical access to your data material. The query tool, ccooccurence explorer and the codes-PD-table allow in-depth analysis.
        • Cloud Views for Codes and Documents
        • The list of codes can be displayed in various cloud views. You can display the cloud based on number of code usage or on number of linkages to other codes. The order can be arranged alphabetically or by frequency.
        • Code cloud view
        • Document cloud views can present the entire textual database or can be used for single documents. Below is an example that compares cloud views of four newspaper articles reporting on the Pussy Riot verdict.
        • The Query Tool
        • Use the Query Tool to retrieve quotations using their associated codes. The simplest retrieval of this kind using the Code Manager is “search for quotations with codes.” Double-click on a code to retrieve all its quotations. This may be regarded as a query even if it is a simple one. The Query Tool can be used to create and process more complex queries that include combinations of codes.
        • A query is a search expression built from operands (codes and code families) and operators (e.g. NOT, AND, OR, etc.) that define the conditions a quotation must meet to be retrieved (e.g., all quotations coded with both codes A and B).
        • By selecting codes or code families and operators, a query can be built incrementally, instantaneously evaluated and displayed as a list of quotations. This incremental building of complex search queries gives you an exploratory approach for even the most complex queries.
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        • The Query Tool window
        • The Query Tool has the following main components:
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        • [1] The operator toolbar offering 14 different operators (Boolean, semantic and proximity operators)
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        • [2 and 3] The list of code-families andcodes that can be used in queries.
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        • [4] The term-stack pane in the upper right displays the stack of all expressions entered in the current query.
        • ?
        • [5] The current query is displayed in the feedback pane.
        • ?
        • [6] A result of a query in the query tool is always a list of quotations. These are displayed in the results list. From there you can also access the quotations in context or create an output via the output (printer) button.
        • Via the Scope button, code queries can be combined with variables. For example, you can ask questions like “Give me all quotations coded with positive attitude towards candidate XY from female respondents between the ages of 18 and 29.”
        • Cooccurence Explorer
        • The Cooccurrence Explorer allows you to see codes that co-occur across all or just some selected primary documents. The result is a cross-tabulation of codes. It is often meaningful to apply filters for certain codes and documents in order to concentrate on a more specific set of concepts. The side panels in the code and document manager allow you to quickly prepare the kind of filters you need in order to produce the kind of tables you want.
        • As an example, below we look at one of the questions posed in the sample project. The aim is to find out how parents and non-parents respond to the question of “why or why not to have children.” In order to reduce the full set of codes, a code group (called code family in ATLAS.ti) was prepared so that it only contains the two attribute codes (#fam: has children and #fam: no children) plus all codes related to “reasons for having children” and “reasons for not having children”. This family is then set as filter.
        • In the code-cooccurence table the next step is to select the attribute codes as columns and all content codes as rows.
        • Selecting row and column codes
        • This results in the following table, providing a quick overview of where the differences are.
        • Settings: No color for table cell; use code color as header background
        • By clicking on the cells, you can access the qualitative data content behind it.
        • Accessing the qualitative information behind the numbers
        • The Codes-Primary-Documents Table
        • The Codes-PD-Table can provide an overview of code frequencies by documents, or can show code frequencies by document groups, code group frequencies by document, or document group.
        • An example below is based on a sample data set. It is a comparison of statements about the positive or negative effect of parenting across different groups. For this purpose of this exercise, two code families have been created. They group all codes that mark statements into positive and negative effects of parenting. These are selected in the upper section. They are then displayed as rows in the table.
        • The various groups for comparison are selected in the lower section of the tool.
        • Setting options for the Codes-Primary-Documents-Table
        • In the Excel table below, they are shown in the columns:
        • ?
        • Formatted Excel output of a codes-primary-documents-table
        • The query tool allows to create document families based on the results of a code query. Thus, the next step is to go back to the query tool, enter a new query and save the results in the form of new document groups. That way you can iteratively run your next comparison using the Codes-PD-Table.
        • Thus, all ATLAS.ti’s analysis tools can be used in complimentary combinations for different purposes.
        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • Visualization
        • ATLAS.ti 7 is a highly visually-oriented tool. This includes everything from user interface (laid out to maximize convenience and screen real estate) to various Object Managers to the intelligent layout of Network Views. Everything is equally intuitive and efficient.
        • Interface and Previews
        • A powerful navigation pane can be opened on the left-hand side of the editor when needed:
        • Accessing the navigation pane
        • It can be used to access and search all object types from one place. This includes primary documents, codes, coded segments, memos and network views.
        • Preview images for documents and network views in the navigation pane
        • For primary document and network views, the view can be set to show preview images. The ability to see previews of your documents at any step makes your work much faster.
        • This option is also available in the Primary Document and Network View Manager:
        • Preview images for documents in Primary Doc Manager
        • In addition to the views in the navigation pane, more information is provided for each document and network view. You can chose to display size – thumbnail image, large, extra large, jumbo and Godzilla (512×512).
        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • Visualizations In Object Managers
        • The object managers do not just list objects. They also help you gain a quick visual overview in various ways. The primary document manager displayed below shows the list of documents on the right-hand side and the list of document groups (i.e. families) in the side panel on the left-hand side.
        • Forms of visualization in the object managers
        • The frequency bars show how many data segments have been coded in each document. When you select a document you immediately see which family it belongs to (highlighted family icon below).
        • The same display options are available in the Code and Memo Manager.
        • If you select an object group – which can be a document, code or memo family – the selected family icon changes its look and the background color turns pale yellow. Below, the document family “Gender: female” is set as the global filter in the above example and so the list on the right-hand side only displays the documents of female respondents:
        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • Network Views
        • The network view helps represent complex information by showing it in an intuitively accessible graphic means. This more closely resembles the way human memories and thoughts are structured. Cognitive “load” in handling complex relationships is reduced with the aid of spatial representation techniques. ATLAS.ti uses networks to help represent and explore conceptual structures. Networks add a heuristic “right brain” approach to qualitative analysis.
        • The user can manipulate and display almost all objects within an ATLAS.ti project as nodes in a network view. This includes quotations, codes, code families, memos, memo families, other network views, primary documents (PDs), and PD families.
        • Network view displaying different types of objects and relations
        • Links are created either implicitly (i.e. when coding a quotation, the quotation is “linked” to a code) or explicitly by the user. Code-quotation associations also form a network that can be displayed like any other:
        • Code-quotations links
        • Examples of directed and non-directed links
        • The links between two codes and the links between two quotations can be named. In addition, you can select whether a link should be directed or non-directed.
        • Along with using networks for general “mind mapping” and the visual design of theoretical models, network views also serve as a powerful analytical tool. Using networks for retrieval purposes is a well-known technique in information retrieval.
        • Finally, network views can be exported as graphic files and inserted into other applications. Or you can simply copy and paste them directly into MS Word and PowerPoint files.
        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • ?
        • Print with Margin
        • The Print with Margin options shows the coded document as you see it on screen. It is available for all text documents, PDF and image files.
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        • PDF
        • ATLAS.ti’s full-native PDF support lets you work with PDF files in their native layout, in just the way you have come expect. No ifs, ands, or buts.
        • ATLAS.ti treats your PDF documents exactly like Acrobat Reader. Work as smoothly and flexibly as you would in Acrobat, utilize bookmarks, tables of content, scrolling, and flexible page views. Code to your heart’s delight – text, images, or anything else that is on the page, down to whatever level of detail you need. Annotate, comment, link, search and query, visualize your results – it’s what computer-based data analysis was always meant to be.
        • Other QDA packages make you strip PDFs down to primitive text files. That is hardly an adequate way of working. Starting with ATLAS.ti 6, you have been able to keep your original PDFs untouched—layout, graphics, tables and all. That way your primary data always remains uncorrupted and complete.
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        • Coding PDF documents
        • Working with PDFs in the manner allows you to move freely through your documents and code any section you like, regardless of whether it is text or graphics. Smooth scrolling, zooming, searching and auto-coding makes your work a breeze. Navigation tools and thumbnail images keep you “on track” every step of the way.
        • Consider the enormous possibilities:
        • ?Work on Web pages saved to PDF. Securely maintain the original layout, graphics, and, most importantly, all the actual content at the time of visiting.
        • ?Directly access a plethora of publicly available resources like research papers, business reports, conference proceedings, press releases, and much more. Now it’s all at your fingertips – without conversion or additional steps of any kind.
        • ?Last but not least, use output from practically ANY computer application as a primary document. By creating a PDF document (via a simple printer driver) you can now directly use material created in nearly any program, including PowerPoint, Open Office, ATLAS.ti itself as well as graphics, statistics, reporting, authoring, accounting and all sorts of business software as your primary documents.
        • The possibilities are truly endless and extremely exciting!
        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • GeoData
        • One of the most exciting software features – and one that is likely to change the way you work if you haven’t used it yet – is ATLAS.ti’s geo-coding support.
        • ATLAS.ti embeds Google Earth™ and makes its functionality available inside the program. This has immense benefits and opens up fantastic possibilities for your work.
        • Picture, if you will, the world as your ultimate primary document. Freely move around in it and mark any section that interests you. Then treat that segment exactly the way you would any other document in ATLAS.ti. Code it, comment it, and link it to other objects. Use direct hyperlinks from other primary documents for supporting your arguments and for purposes of evidence or illustration.
        • The geo-coding facility even creates screenshots from any Google Earth™ view and assigns them as graphical primary documents. This “snapshot” helps you save system resources and makes sure that your reference is secure against changes.
        • All features of Google Earth™ are available (including camera angle and height-over-ground). Additionally, the interaction between the two programs is truly bi-directional. This means that work done in ATLAS.ti can be directly introduced into Google Earth™. Comment on a marked location in ATLAS.ti, and your comment will be displayed in Google Earth™. Powerful stuff!
        • And that’s still not all. Leverage the immense power of community as embodied by Google Earth™ layers and by the possibility to exchange and directly import Google Earth™’s KMZ files (complex community-created “overlays”). If it weren’t so tacky we’d call it “QDA 2.0.”
        • If your work is in or touches on fields like tourism, geography, urban planning, ethnology, cultural studies, sociology, health, action research, advertising and marketing – or even if you simply like to take and document trips – you are bound to profit from ATLAS.ti’s unique geo-coding feature. Just like us, you will soon wonder how you used to go without this feature.
        • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        • Surveys
        • Imagine converting the results of a large online survey into a Hermeneutic Unit in ATLAS.ti with just a few mouse clicks. ATLAS.ti lets you do just that!
        • Here is a typical work flow:
        • 1.Create an online survey using, for example, Google Docs (a very convenient tool, although other frameworks are supported as well)
        • 2.Download and store the survey as an Excel table once your respondents have filled out the questionnaire
        • 3.Import the table into ATLAS.ti
        • 4.Voilà: Each row (= one respondent) becomes a primary document, and content is collected and created from the answers to open-ended questions. PD families are created from single and multiple-choice questions; quotations are created for each answer and coded with the respective question (you may use abbreviations). This accomplishes a lot of tedious pre-coding work in a few seconds.
        • Now you can get started with what really matters: Your analysis!
        • It’s that easy to work with survey data from nearly any source.






            曙海的andriod 系統與應用培訓完全符合了我公司的要求,達到了我公司培訓的目的。 特別值得一提的是授課講師針對我們公司的開發的項目專門提供了一些很好程序的源代碼, 基本滿足了我們的項目要求。
        ——中國電子科技集團技術部主任 馬工
            曙海的FPGA 培訓很好地填補了高校FPGA培訓空白,不錯。總之,有利于學生的發展, 有利于教師的發展,有利于課程的發展,有利于社會的發展。
            曙海給我們公司提供的Dsp6000培訓,符合我們項目的開發要求,解決了很多困惑我 們很久的問題,與曙海的合作非常愉快。
            MTK培訓-我在網上找了很久,就是找不到。在曙海居然有MTK驅動的培訓,老師經驗 很豐富,知識面很廣。下一個還想培訓IPHONE蘋果手機。跟他們合作很愉快,老師很有人情味,態度很和藹。
            曙海對我們公司的iPhone培訓,實驗項目很多,確實學到了東西。受益無窮 啊!特別是對于那種正在開發項目的,確實是物超所值。
            通過參加Symbian培訓,再做Symbian相關的項目感覺更加得心應手了,理 論加實踐的授課方式,很有針對性,非常的適合我們。學完之后,很輕松的就完成了我們的項目。

        一汽海馬汽車 DSP培訓
        蘇州金屬研究院 DSP培訓
        南京南瑞集團技術 FPGA培訓
        西安愛生技術集團 FPGA培訓,DSP培訓
        成都熊谷加世電氣 DSP培訓
        福斯賽諾分析儀器(蘇州) FPGA培訓
        南京國電工程 FPGA培訓
        北京環境特性研究所 達芬奇培訓
        中國科微系統與信息技術研究所 FPGA高級培訓
        重慶網視只能流技術開發 達芬奇培訓
        無錫力芯微電子股份 IC電磁兼容
        河北科研究所 FPGA培訓
        上海微小衛星工程中心 DSP培訓
        廣州航天航空 POWERPC培訓
        桂林航天工 DSP培訓
        江蘇五維電子科技 達芬奇培訓
        無錫步進電機自動控制技術 DSP培訓
        江門市安利電源工程 DSP培訓
        長江力偉股份 CADENCE 培訓
        愛普生科技(無錫 ) 數字模擬電路
        河南平高 電氣 DSP培訓
        中國航天員科研訓練中心 A/D仿真
        常州易控汽車電子 WINDOWS驅動培訓
        南通大學 DSP培訓
        上海集成電路研發中心 達芬奇培訓
        北京瑞志合眾科技 WINDOWS驅動培訓
        江蘇金智科技股份 FPGA高級培訓
        中國重工第710研究所 FPGA高級培訓
        蕪湖伯特利汽車安全系統 DSP培訓
        廈門中智能軟件技術 Android培訓
        蘇州浩克系統科技 FPGA培訓
        上海申達自動防范系統 FPGA培訓
        四川長虹佳華信息 MTK培訓
        南昌航空大學--fpga 高級開發技術培訓
        IBM 公司--3G手機ANDROID系統和應用技術開發培訓
        中國雙飛--Vxworks 應用和BSP開發技術培訓


        上海水務建設工程有限公司--Alter/Xilinx FPGA應用開發技術培訓
        恩法半導體科技--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
        中航工業無線電電子研究所--Vxworks 應用和BSP開發技術培訓
        華路時代信息技術--VxWorks BSP開發技術培訓
        寶康電子--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
        上海天能電子有限公司--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
        先先信息科技有限公司--brew 手機開發技術培訓
        東北農業大學--IPHONE 蘋果應用開發技術培訓
        哈爾濱大學--IPHONE 蘋果應用開發技術培訓

          備案號:滬ICP備08026168號 .(2014年7月11)...................
        友情鏈接:Cadence培訓 ICEPAK培訓 PCB設計培訓 adams培訓 fluent培訓系列課程 培訓機構課程短期培訓系列課程培訓機構 長期課程列表實踐課程高級課程學校培訓機構周末班培訓 南京 NS3培訓 OpenGL培訓 FPGA培訓 PCIE培訓 MTK培訓 Cortex訓 Arduino培訓 單片機培訓 EMC培訓 信號完整性培訓 電源設計培訓 電機控制培訓 LabVIEW培訓 OPENCV培訓 集成電路培訓 UVM驗證培訓 VxWorks培訓 CST培訓 PLC培訓 Python培訓 ANSYS培訓 VB語言培訓 HFSS培訓 SAS培訓 Ansys培訓 短期培訓系列課程培訓機構 長期課程列表實踐課程高級課程學校培訓機構周末班 曙海 教育 企業 培訓課程 系列班 長期課程列表實踐課程高級課程學校培訓機構周末班 短期培訓系列課程培訓機構 曙海教育企業培訓課程 系列班