        QHM | 水流模擬軟件培訓
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        • POLLUTE 是一款快速,準確,全面的污染物運移分析軟件,新版本為7.13。 POLLUTE被廣泛用于垃圾填埋設計和環境補救領域,它具備快速、準確和全面的污染物運動的分析能力,可將一個 1.5 維度的解決方案運用到對流 - 擴散方程中。與有限元和有限差方程不同的是,POLLUTE不需要時間推進步驟,因此既降低了計算工作量,又避免了替代數值不穩定問題的產生。
        • 主要特性:
        • 1、非線性吸附作用;
        • 2、反射性和生物過程的腐爛;
        • 3、通過斷面的傳輸;
        • 4、被動沉降,相變;
        • 5、隨時間變化的特性。
        • 可以使用程序向導或通過選擇許多預先創建的模型中的一個來從頭開始創建模型:例如,主襯墊填埋場和次襯墊填埋場。垂直遷移和水平遷移。
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        • POLLUTE V7的一些功能:
        • 使用空白模型,向導或快速輸入模型可以輕松創建新模型。
        • 模型的圖形圖在創建時顯示
        • 模型可包含200個圖層
        • 層可包含1,2或3維裂縫
        • 可以為每個層指定擴散系數,分配系數和相變參數
        • 頂部邊界條件可以是靈通量,恒定濃度或有限質量
        • 底部邊界條件可以是零通量,恒定濃度,固定流出或無限厚度
        • 地下濃度可以在指定的時間計算,或者程序可以自動找到大濃度的時間
        • 可以模擬污染物的放射性或生物衰變
        • 可以指定在指定深度處的初始濃度分布
        • 可以模擬Freundlich和Langmuir非線性吸附
        • 源,速度和圖層屬性可以隨時間變化(可以使用源,障礙或流模式中的模型更改)
        • 可以指定一個或多個被動水槽來模擬層中的水平速度和污染物的去除
        • 蒙特卡羅模擬可用于評估模型參數的不確定性的影響
        • 當參數值未準確知曉時,靈敏度分析可用于預測預期的濃度范圍
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        • 英文介紹
        • POLLUTEv7 program provides fast, accurate, and comprehensive contaminant migration analysis capabilities. This program implements a one and a half dimensional solution to the advection-dispersion equation. Unlike finite element and finite difference formulations, POLLUTEv7 does not require a time-marching procedure, and thus involves relatively little computational effort while also avoiding the numerical problems of alternate approaches.
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        • With more then fifteen years utilization in industry, POLLUTEv7 is a well tested contaminant migration analysis program which is widely used in landfill design and remediation. Landfill designs that can be considered range from simple systems on a natural clayey aquitard to composite liners, multiple barriers and multiple aquifers.
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        • In addition to advective-dispersive transport, POLLUTEv7 can consider
        • · non-linear sorption
        • · radioactive and biological decay
        • · transport through fractures
        • · passive sinks
        • · phase changes, and
        • · time-varying properties.
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        • Feature Comparison
        • Feature
        • Professional
        • Standard
        • Wizards and pre-created models
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Unlimited number of models
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Up to 200 layers
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Constant concentration boundary conditions
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Finite mass boundary condition
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Fixed outflow boundary condition
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Passive Sinks
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Linear sorption
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Non-linear sorption
        • Yes
        • No
        • Fractures in layers
        • Yes
        • No
        • Radioactive and biological decay
        • Yes
        • No
        • Initial concentration profile
        • Yes
        • No
        • Time-varying properties
        • Yes
        • No
        • Monte Carlo Simulation
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • Sensitivity Analysis
        • Yes
        • Yes
        • POLLUTE Data Entry
        • Using the main menu bar at the top of the screen, datasets can be created, edited, and executed. The output from these datasets can then be displayed and printed.

        • POLLUTE Deposit Data
        • Datasets can be created or edited using the Data Menu. A dataset consists of general deposit data, layer data, boundary conditions, and optional special features.
        • First, general data is entered about the model, such as:
        • · Title of the Dataset
        • · Number of Soil Layers (each layer can have different properties)
        • · Darcy Velocity through the soil layers
        • · Laplace Transform Parameters (defaults are usually sufficient)
        • POLLUTE Layer Data
        • For each layer, the following may be specified:
        • · Number of Sublayers
        • · Thickness
        • · Dry Density
        • · Coefficient of Hydrodynamic Dispersion
        • · Distribution Coefficient
        • · Type of Fractures (if present)
        • Any or all of the layers may be fractured. These fractures may be one, two, or three dimensional. In a fractured layer, the program considers advective-dispersive transport along the fractures coupled with diffusion into the matrix on either side of the fracture
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        • POLLUTE Boundary Conditions
        • There are two boundaries for each dataset, one at the top and one at the bottom of the layers. The top boundary is usually the point of contact with the contaminant source (finite mass or constant concentration), and the bottom boundary is usually the point of contact with an aquifer (fixed outflow) or bedrock (zero flux).
        • Finite Mass Boundary Condition
        • The finite mass boundary condition may be used to represent contaminant sources such as landfills. Where the mass of contaminant is finite, the concentration of contaminant at the source will decline as contaminant mass is transported into the layers below or is removed by a leachate collection system.
        • Fixed Outflow Velocity Boundary Condition
        • This boundary condition may be used to represent an aquifer below the layers in the dataset. The concentration in this aquifer will vary with time as mass is transported into the aquifer from the layers above and is then transported away by the horizontal velocity in the base strata.
        • POLLUTE Special Features
        • In addition to the basic data parameters, many special features can also be used in the model. One or more of these special features may be selected from the multiple choice menu.
        • Radioactive/Biological Decay
        • Radioactive or biological decay can be modeled. First-order decay is considered by specifying the half lives for the source, layers, and base aquifer. The layers may have the same half-life, or the half-life can be specified as a function of depth.
        • Depth Interval Concentration Profile
        • To model background concentration in the layers, an initial concentration profile may be used. Using this option, the initial concentration in the layers can be specified as a function of depth. In addition, the flux into the soil and the base can be specified at the start time of the model.
        • Freundlich and Langmuir Nonlinear Sorption
        • Either Freundlich or Langmuir nonlinear sorption may be considered. When nonlinear sorption is used, the program splits the layers into sublayers and uses an iterative technique to determine the equivalent linear distribution coefficient for each sublayer.
        • Properties Increment Within Groups
        • This option is used to vary properties of the model with time. The user may vary the source concentration, contaminant mass, volume of leachate collected, Darcy velocity, dispersivity and aquifer velocity. For example, this option can be used to simulate the progressive failure of the leachate collection system in a landfill. Time is divided into groups. In each group the properties may be constant with time or may increment linearly with time. The concentration in the source at the beginning of each time group may be specified or the concentration at the end of the last group may be used.
        • Passive Sink
        • One or more passive sinks may be used in the model. A passive sink is a layer where there is a horizontal velocity. This will have the effect of removing contaminants. Typically, a passive sink is used to represent secondary leachate collection systems or multiple aquifers.
        • Monte Carlo Variable Entry
        • Monte Carlo simulation may be used to evaluate the effects of uncertainty in the values of some of the model data. Using this approach, the uncertain data values are described using a probability distribution. After numerous simulations, a probability distribution is generated for the peak concentration of the contaminant at any depth.
        • Primary Liner (Subtitle D) Landfill
        • There are options to create and customize predefined models quickly and easily. These models include landfills with primary leachate collection and composite liners (Subtitle D).
        • Primary and Secondary Liner Landfill
        • There are options to create and customize predefined models quickly and easily. These models include landfills with primary leachate collection and composite liners (Subtitle D) and landfills with primary and secondary leachate collection and composite liners (Subtitle C). In these quick landfill entry options, layers such as the geomembrane, clay liner, aquitard, and aquifer can be included or discarded simply by the selecting Yes or No beside the layer name.
        • Leakage Rate (Subtitle D) Landfill
        • The leakage rate through the composite liner may be calculated using the method proposed by Giroud et al., 1992, and Giroud and Bonaparte, 1989. These calculations consider leakage due to permeation and defects in the geomembrane.
        • Geomembrane Hole Data
        • In addition to the type of contact between the geomembrane and the clay liner, the leakage will also depend on the type, size, and frequency of the defects.
        • Finite Mass Source
        • The landfill contaminant source can be either finite mass or constant concentration. If the source type is finite mass, the waste thickness and density, infiltration through the cover, and percentage of mass can be specified for the contaminant.
        • Primary Clay Liner or GCL
        • For each layer present in the model, the parameters may be specified in any units; the program will automatically convert all units to either SI or US. The liner can be either clay or a geosynthetic clay liner.
        • Aquifer
        • If an aquifer is present beneath the landfill, the thickness and porosity of the aquifer can be specified. The program will automatically calculate the minimum outflow velocity in the aquifer. This value or a higher value can be specified.
        • POLLUTE Model Execution
        • Calculate Concentrations
        • After the dataset has been created, the model can be executed. The concentration of the contaminant can be calculated at any number of specific depths or the maximum concentration can be determined automatically at any selected depth. Unlike other techniques that may take hours or days to prepare and execute models, the finite-layer technique is very quick. It typically takes only minutes to prepare and execute a model making it ideal for examining design alternatives and for sensitivity analysis.
        • POLLUTE Result Output
        • After the model has been executed, the output file can be displayed, graphed, and printed. Graphs can be concentration versus time, concentration versus depth, flux versus time, and color concentration. All of these graphs can also be easily printed on several types of printers. Default values for the graphs are automatically determined. These values can be easily changed to allow complete customization of the graph. For the concentration versus time graph, one or all of the depths may be plotted; likewise for time in the concentration versus depth graph.
        • Concentration Versus Time
        • Concentration with time graphs show the variation in the calculated concentration of the contaminant with time for the depths studied. Using these graphs, the peak concentration at a specific depth can be easily identified. This value is also automatically displayed at the top of the graph.
        • Concentration Versus Depth
        • Concentration versus depth graphs show the change in contaminant concentration with depth, either for a specific time or for all the times that were calculated.
        • Flux Versus Time
        • The total flux into the top of the soil layers and out of the bottom of the soil layers with time can be graphed.
        • Color Concentration Plot
        • The change in concentration with time and depth graph can be used to illustrate the movement of the contaminant plume into deeper depths over time.
        • Print Options
        • Graphs can be printed by pressing 'P' while they are displayed. Many of the features of the printed graph can be controlled such as the size, titles and fonts.
        • POLLUTE Tools
        • Tools are available to aid in creating and checking datasets.
        • Calculator
        • These tools include a calculator that can be used to determine Darcy velocity and contaminant mass.
        • Help
        • Context-sensitive help can be accessed any time by pressing the F1 key. The information displayed contains many cross-references which can be displayed by clicking on the highlighted text.
        • POLLUTE Preferences
        • The display colors, mouse buttons, and program environment can all be adjusted as desired. Many of the program features can be customized such as directories, file extensions, screen display type, and printer type.
        • Most popular screen types are supported, including Super VGA, VGA, and EGA, or the screen type can be automatically detected.
        • A large variety of printers are also supported such as Epson 9 and 24 pin, HP LaserJet, HP Pen Plotters, HP Paint Jet, and Postscript. Graphs can also be converted into PCX file format.






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        南昌航空大學--fpga 高級開發技術培訓
        IBM 公司--3G手機ANDROID系統和應用技術開發培訓
        中國雙飛--Vxworks 應用和BSP開發技術培訓


        上海水務建設工程有限公司--Alter/Xilinx FPGA應用開發技術培訓
        恩法半導體科技--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
        中航工業無線電電子研究所--Vxworks 應用和BSP開發技術培訓
        華路時代信息技術--VxWorks BSP開發技術培訓
        寶康電子--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
        上海天能電子有限公司--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
        先先信息科技有限公司--brew 手機開發技術培訓
        東北農業大學--IPHONE 蘋果應用開發技術培訓
        哈爾濱大學--IPHONE 蘋果應用開發技術培訓

          備案號:滬ICP備08026168號 .(2014年7月11)...................
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