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- Oracle 11g: New Features for Administrators培訓
Oracle 11g: New Features for Administrators培訓
1. Oracle Database 11g: Installation and Upgrade Enhancements
Benefits of Oracle''s Infrastructure grid and self-tuning capabilities
Changes to the Oracle database installation process and the steps for installing Oracle Database 11g
Oracle Database 11g''s upgrade enhancements and the steps for performing an upgrade
Running the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant as part of an upgrade
Common post-upgrade steps and adjustments to initialization parameters and the steps for creating a database
Enabling Direct Network File System and installing a hot patch
Best practices and recommendations for testing and analyzing an Oracle Database 11g installation
Create a new Oracle Database 11g database
2. Oracle Database 11g: Storage Enhancements
Ways to enhance efficiency and performance of Oracle Database 11g by using Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Fast Mirror Resync and ASM Preferred Mirror Read
Ways to use ASM to enhance scalability and performance and control disk group attributes and compatibility
Adding an offlined disk without ASM and also with ASM, following a nondata issue
Syntax for performing disk group checks, mounting disk groups for fast rebalance, and forcing a disk group drop
Correct method for backing up ASM metadata using ASMCMD extensions
Back up ASM metadata using ASMCMD extensions
3. Oracle Database 11g: Change Management Overview and SQL Plan Management
Steps for managing change when upgrading or reconfiguring Oracle Database, including setting up a snapshot standby database as a test environment
General uses and benefits of SQL Performance Analyzer for ascertaining performance gains following a database change
Steps for capturing the SQL workload using SQL tuning sets
Tasks that can be performed when managing components using the SQL Performance Analyzer
Ways in which the different phases of the SQL Performance Analyzer help to assess the SQL performance impact of change
Elements of SQL plan management and the steps for seeding SQL plan baselines
Ways to load and evolve SQL plan baselines, select SQL plans, and set up various SQL plan management scenarios
Executing all phases of SQL plan management
Seed SQL Plan Baselines for your most regressing statements
4. Oracle Database 11g: Database Replay and Automatic SQL Tuning
Benefits of using Database Replay and the concepts and reasons behind recreating a production database workload in a test environment.
Identify the scope of Database Replay''s capabilities by recognizing the supported database changes and workloads, as well as some of the considerations and available options during capture, replay and replay analysis
Running Database Replay using the Capture Wizard in Enterprise Manager
Replaying workload using the Replay Workload Wizard and using PL/SQL to do the same, as well as calibrating replay clients
Capturing the workload for a small application using Database Replay and replaying it to get the same results as during the original execution
Run Database Replay in Enterprise Manager
How SQL tuning can benefit developers in improving the performance of SQL statements and the methods and DBA controls that you can use in Oracle Database 11g to run the Automatic SQL Tuning feature
General steps and concepts behind configuring Automatic SQL Tuning, reviewing results, and performing a fine tune using PL/SQL
Executing Automatic SQL Tuning and viewing its results
5. Oracle Database 11g: Intelligent Infrastructure Enhancements
The scope of Oracle Database 11g''s AWR Baselines feature, which includes baseline template creation options and baseline views
Creating an AWR Baseline and using it to define alert thresholds
Benefits of the Automatic Maintenance Tasks feature for statistics collection, segment advisor, and Automatic SQL Tuning, and how to control such tasks
Calibrating I/O resources in Oracle Database 11g
How to manage resources and streamline schedules using the Resource Manager and lightweight jobs
Creating and running lightweight scheduler jobs
Calibrate I/O Resources in Oracle Database 11g
6. Oracle Database 11g: Performance Enhancements
Different ways to use Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor to analyze Oracle Real Application Clusters (RACs) and report on issues affecting the entire database as well as individual instances
Benefits of Oracle Database 11g''s Automatic Memory Management system
Concepts and methods employed in Oracle database 11g for gathering and publishing various kinds of statistics
Observing memory distribution patterns using Automatic Memory Management and also for testing various statistic gatherings on a particular table
Use Automatic Memory Management to observe memory distribution patterns
7. Oracle Database 11g: Partitioning and Storage-Related Enhancements
Employing Oracle Database''s new partitioning scheme to perform interval partitioning
Performing system and virtual column-based partitioning and using Oracle Database 11g''s new partitioning scheme
Performing reference partitioning using Oracle Database 11g''s new partitioning scheme
Performing extended composite partitioning using Oracle Database 11g''s new partitioning scheme and compressing tables
Using SQL Access Advisor to help you to decide which partitions, indexes, materialized views, and materialized view logs you need to optimize your database''s workload\
Use the SQL Access Advisor to get partitioning recommendations
8. Oracle Database 11g: Using RMAN Enhancements, Flashback and LogMiner
Ways in which enhancements to RMAN in Oracle Database 11g can help you perform faster and optimized backups
Duplicating an active Oracle Database 11g database
Creating and managing archival backups and RMAN catalogs in Oracle Database 11g
Duplicate an active Oracle Database 11g database
Benefits of Flashback Data Archives in Oracle Database 11g for retaining historical data
Using Flashback Data Archives
Using the Flashback Transaction Backout and LogMiner features to locate and roll back transactions and user errors in Oracle Database 11g
9. Oracle Database 11g: Diagnostic Enhancements and Using the Data Recovery Advisor
Scope and capabilities of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) feature in Oracle Database 11g
Tasks that can be performed, using the Support Workbench wizard, to handle critical errors in Oracle Database 11g
Configuring incident packages and creating, manipulating, and modifying custom packages
Dealing with critical errors in Oracle Database 11g using the Health Monitor and SQL Repair Advisor tools
Options for assessing data failures in Oracle Database 11g using the Data Recovery Advisor
Getting advice on repairing data failures, executing these repairs using RMAN data repair commands, and setting parameters to detect further corruption
Repair a down database via Enterprise Manager
10. Oracle Database 11g: New Security Features
Ways to configure a password file to use case-sensitive passwords and how to configure security settings in Oracle Database 11g
Different types of encryption in Oracle Database 11g and the steps for managing fine-grained access to external network services
Ways for setting up administrator authentication and managing transparent data encryption and other security settings
Increasing the security of passwords and implementing tablespace encryption in Oracle Database 11g
Best way to encrypt a tablespace in Oracle Database 11g
11. Oracle Database 11g: SecureFiles and Miscellaneous New Features
Ways in which SecureFiles enhance the performance of large object (LOB) data types
Migrating to SecureFiles and for creating, altering, accessing, and monitoring them
Using SecureFiles for compression, data encryption, and performance
Benefits of SQL Query Result Cache and PL/SQL Function Cache as well as using other Oracle Database 11g enhancements to online redefinition, locking mechanisms, and invisible indexes
Benefits of PL/SQL native compilation enhancements, Adaptive Cursor sharing, and temporary tablespace shrink
Using the SQL Query Result Cache in Oracle Database 11g
Ways of employing the SQL Query Result Cache in a given scenario
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特別值得一提的是授課講師針對我們公司的開發的項目專門提供了一些很好程序的源代碼, 基本滿足了我們的項目要求。
——中國電子科技集團技術部主任 馬工
曙海的FPGA 培訓很好地填補了高校FPGA培訓空白,不錯??傊?,有利于學生的發展,
我們新培訓過的企業客戶以及培訓的主要內容: |
一汽海馬汽車 DSP培訓
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南京南瑞集團技術 FPGA培訓
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蘇州浩克系統科技 FPGA培訓
上海申達自動防范系統 FPGA培訓
四川長虹佳華信息 MTK培訓
南昌航空大學--fpga 高級開發技術培訓
IBM 公司--3G手機ANDROID系統和應用技術開發培訓
中國雙飛--Vxworks 應用和BSP開發技術培訓
上海水務建設工程有限公司--Alter/Xilinx FPGA應用開發技術培訓
恩法半導體科技--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
中航工業無線電電子研究所--Vxworks 應用和BSP開發技術培訓
華路時代信息技術--VxWorks BSP開發技術培訓
寶康電子--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
上海天能電子有限公司--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信號完整性技術培訓
先先信息科技有限公司--brew 手機開發技術培訓
東北農業大學--IPHONE 蘋果應用開發技術培訓
哈爾濱大學--IPHONE 蘋果應用開發技術培訓