IBM Rational ClearCase Boot Camp for Windows (RSP0
IBM Rational ClearCase Boot Camp for Windows (RSP01)培訓
Part 1:
Explain ClearCase concepts
Set up your development workspace
Access and work with files under source control
Merge work to and from the integration workspace
Create and work with snapshot views
Configure workspaces for parallel development
Perform advanced merge operations
Apply ClearCase metadata including labels, attributes, and hyperlinks
Generate ClearCase reports
Manage software builds
Part 2:
Define software configuration management and list the attributes of an effective software configuration management system
Explain the purpose and describe the contents of a configuration management plan
Complete a ClearCase usage model
Implement a ClearCase usage model by:
Setting up project artifacts
Creating branch types that implement a branching strategy
Implementing project process and policies through the use of ClearCase metadata
Part 3:
Demonstrate knowledge of the ClearCase environment
Plan a ClearCase implementation
Administer the registry and regions
Manage ClearCase access control
Manage Versioned Object Bases (VOB)
Manage views
Manage storage pools
Schedule tasks
Back up and restore ClearCase objects
Administer ClearCase licenses
Install ClearCase
Who Needs to Attend
This advanced, fast-paced workshop is for experienced Rational ClearCase users who implement, manage, and administer ClearCase.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Follow-On Courses
There are no follow-ons for this course.