Nonlinear analysis quite often involves large deformations that can potentially cause elements that originally were perfectly shaped to become extremely distorted after load application. This may lead to the analysis eventually terminating due to convergence issues or elements turning inside out. To overcome this problem, analysts need to come up with strategies such as restarts or even adjusting the initial mesh trying to counter excessive deformations - these strategies can be very labor intensive and don’t always work. A more intelligent way is to use Marc’s adaptive remeshing, which automatically creates a new mesh when certain user defined criteria are met. This methodology allows Marc to replace badly shaped elements with improved ones so the analysis can continue.
Typical applications that can experience extreme deformations and therefore take advantage of adaptive remeshing in Marc are seals, forming and forging processes, blow out preventers, packers and many others. This webinar will review the automatic global remeshing technology of Marc and examples of adaptive remeshing being used to successfully and accurately simulate several real world very complex problems.