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概述Introduction? 2?敏捷開發的歷史History of Agile 2?敏捷開發當前分支Current Branches of Agile 2?敏捷開發的未來Future of Agile 2?Scrum的角色、活動與工作產品 Roles,Activities?and?Work?Products?of?Scrum 拆分需求并建立產品待開發項Break down requirements and build product backlog 2?建立用戶場景Build a list of user scenarios 2?替代實踐:分析并使用實體作為史詩故事Analyze and use potential entities(objects) as Epics. 2?替代實踐:分析并使用CURD行為作為用戶故事Analyze and use CRUD actions of users as Stories. 2?練習:建立產品待開發項Exercise: Build the product backlog 2?Q&A 版本規劃與用戶故事優先級排序Release?Planning?and?Story?Prioritizing 2?根據商業目標優化用戶故事Prioritize stories according to business objects. 2?創建用戶故事地圖以便呈現整體計劃Build story mapping to visualize the overall planning 2?練習:創建和估計用戶故事地圖Exercise: Build and estimate the story mapping. 2?問答環節Q&A |
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迭代計劃會Iteration planning meeting 2?如何給團隊講一個好故事How to tell a good story to the team. 2?計劃撲克Planning poker. 2?練習:用計劃撲克估算一個用戶故事Exercise: Plan a story with planning poker. 2?替代實踐(單向快速估算法):超越用戶故事-更快的估算和更快的開發速度Beyond planning poker – quicker planning and shorter development time(Planning Poker Pro). 2?問答環節Q&A |
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看板與每日立會Kanban and daily standup meeting (2hrs) 2?每日立會的三個問題3 Questions of daily standup meetings 2?超越每日立會-用代碼公有制來連接團隊成員Beyond standup meetings – connect team members with collective ownership 2?擴展實踐(看板):控制在制品數量Kanban: Keep down the WIP. 2?替代實踐(Scrum vs.?KanBan?vs. DevOpsBan):超越看板-改進你的看板Exercise: Beyond Kanban – Improve your Kanban 2?替代實踐(代碼公有制下的每日立會):師徒團隊下的每日立會溝通方式 2?問答環節Q&A 跨職能團隊?Cross Functional Team 2?自組織原理 2?替代實踐:1-3-9學習型師徒團隊 n?團隊職責 n?該提拔誰 n?松結對編程 n?代碼審查制度與培養機制 敏捷技術管理Agile Technology?? 2?擴展實踐:基于用戶故事的編碼?Coding?based?on user stories 2?擴展實踐:面向迭代與變更的技術變革 n?基于SEAi的微服務劃分 n?關鍵設計模式的應用 u?開閉類設計模式:增加新功能時只加不改 u?解耦類設計模式:修改功能時只改一處 n?最簡編碼規范 高級話題?Advanced?Agile? 2?大型團隊的敏捷開發?Scrum?of Scrums/LeSS/SAFe 2?QAD量化敏捷開發 Quantitative?Agile Development 2?QAMMI量化敏捷成熟度模型集成?Quantitative?Agile Maturity Model Integration |