課程目錄:Securing Windows Using PowerShell Automation培訓
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          Securing Windows Using PowerShell Automation培訓




        Overview of Windows Security Using PowerShell Automation

        Getting Started with PowerShell Automation

        Using PowerShell Features for Windows Security

        Writing PowerShell Scripts, Functions, and Modules

        Executing PowerShell Commands and Scripts

        Passing Arguments and Piping Data for PowerShell Scripts

        Running Remote Command Shells

        Integrating PowerShell Core with OpenSSH on Windows

        Exploring PowerShell Just Enough Admin (JEA)

        Deploying PowerShell, Group Policy, and Task Scheduler

        Using PowerShell for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

        Using PowerShell for Active Directory Queries and Management

        Server Hardening Automation with AppLocker Using PowerShell

        Managing Windows Firewall Using PowerShell Scripting

        Using IPsec to Share Permissions for Listening Ports

        Working with PowerShell Transcription Logging, Windows Event Logs, and Namespace Auditing

        Using Certificate Authentication and TLS Encryption

        Configuring Public Key Infrastructure and Windows Certificates

        Employing Multi-Factor Authentication Using Smart Cards and Tokens

        Learning About Security Best Practices

        Signing PowerShell Scripts Digitally

        Writing a PowerShell Ransomware Script

        Blocking Hackers and Ransomware Using Various Security Methods

        Mitigating Kerberos Attacks, Remote Desktop Protocol Attacks, Security Access Token Abuse, and More

        Deploying Anti-Exploitation Defenses for PowerShell

        Summary and Conclusion