課程目錄:Tableau Prep Builder培訓
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           Tableau Prep Builder培訓





        Tableau Prep Builder as an ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool
        Setting up Tableau Prep Builder

        Activating and Register Tableau Prep Builder
        Overview of Tableau Prep Builder Features and Architecture

        Tableau Prep Builder and its relation to Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server and Tableau Prep Conductor
        Navigating the Tableau Prep Builder Workspace

        Panes and data grids
        Connecting to Data Source

        Reading an Excel
        Reading from a database
        Shaping Data

        Creating a Join
        Creating a Union
        Pivoting Data

        Changing columns to rows
        Cleaning Data

        What is dirty data?
        Changing the data type
        Filtering data
        Aggregating data
        Updating multiple values at once
        Running a Flow

        Building a flow
        Refreshing a flow
        Running a flow from the command line
        Outputing Data to Tableau Desktop

        Analyzing data
        Publishing Data

        Packaging a Prep Builder data flow into an extract
        Publishing a flow with Prep Conductor
        Best Practices


        Summary and Conclusion