課程目錄:UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)培訓
        4401 人關注

          UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)培訓




        Create and configure EAP file
        Create and save an Enterprise Architect project file
        Types of views
        Program interface: menus, toolbars, Toolbox, Project Browser and other windows
        Docking and hiding windows
        Working with a model, diagram
        Predefined models
        Packages (views) and diagrams
        Adding elements to the model and diagram
        Different ways of removing the items and their consequences
        Saving diagrams
        Requirements Management
        Methods of requirements gathering
        FURPS requirements categories
        Requirements Diagram
        Relationships between requirements
        How to improve the appearance of a diagram?
        layout diagram
        colour status requirements
        enable / disable the package names
        Create and manage a matrix relationship
        Documenting requirements
        HTML pages
        printable version
        Advanced requirement management
        custom types of requirements
        custom requirements status
        tracking requirements
        requirements documenting
        Business process modeling, architecture
        Activity Diagram
        Compound activities
        Control flows, object flows
        Handling exceptions, interrupt flow
        Concurrent flows and decision-making
        How to improve the appearance of a diagram?
        different levels of detail
        reducing the amount of detail
        complexity of the process
        Components and Deployment diagrams
        The initial architecture of the system - logical and physical
        nested components
        delegation and assembly
        communication paths
        Non-standard implementation of stereotypes in diagrams (OPTIONAL)
        stereotypes graphic library
        adding the library to the project
        custom graphics stereotypes
        Use Cases and their documentation
        Functional requirements modeling
        Scope of the system
        Actors and the relationships between them
        Identifying use cases
        Association "actor - use case" and its properties
        Relationship between use cases: include, extend, generalization
        Auto numering
        Use Case scenarios and activity diagrams generated based on them
        Documentation generation
        Document Templates
        Analytical model
        Class diagram on domain model level
        class, method, attribute, abstract class, interface
        association and its characteristics
        other relationships: aggregation, composition, generalization, dependency, association class
        class identyfication
        Sequence Diagram
        message types: asynchronous, synchronous, return
        stereotypes: Boundary, Control and Entity
        Static model
        Class Diagram on design level
        Source code generation and reverse engineering (OPTIONAL)
        source code generating from the diagram
        diagram generation from source code
        source code and diagram synchronization
        Object Diagrams
        Dynamic Model
        Static model verification
        clarify the method signatures
        verification of the class diagram
        Dynamic modeling at the level of method calls (sequence diagram) based on use cases and static analysis model
        How to improve the appearance of a diagram?
        reducing the number of modeled scenarios
        reducing the number of lifelines
        avoiding complex nested blocks
        hiding details
        State Machine diagram (OPTIONAL)
        states and sub-states
        transitions between states - trigger, condition and action
        internal actions (entry, do, exit)
        Patterns and profiles (OPTIONAL)
        "Gang of Four" patterns
        Patterns defined in the project
        User patterns
        Importing profiles from XML files
        MDA, source code (OPTIONAL)
        Class Diagram to database schema transformation
        SQL script generation based on class diagram
        Source code generation - available options
        Group work
        Enterprise Architect package versioning
        Differences in the versions of the project, documentation
        Using a repository to store the model
        Collaboration tools