課程目錄:Core Hybrid Cloud Functionalities with AWS Outposts培訓
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          Core Hybrid Cloud Functionalities with AWS Outposts培訓





        Overview of AWS Outposts Setup and Installation

        Evaluating and complying with Outpost site requirements
        Choosing the right Outpost configuration for the application
        Planning for Outpost capacity and physical hardware
        Working with the AWS Management Console for Outpost installation
        Overview of AWS Outposts Features and Architecture

        What are the network components of an Outpost?
        Managing AWS Outposts with AWS API

        Performing Outpost actions with AWS API syntax
        Familiarizing with AWS Outposts API data types
        Handling common parameters and errors
        Executing API Actions Based Upon AWS Outposts Services

        Working with AWS Outposts CLI

        Utilizing CLI commands in an Outpost
        Connecting an Outpost to the On-Premise Network

        AWS Outposts hardware and connectivity
        Building Wide Area Network (WAN) Outpost Connectivity

        Connecting to AWS Regions through service links
        Connecting to AWS Regions through the local gate
        Advantages of multiple Outpost connections
        Creating an Outpost Subnet for Virtual Private Cloud Coverage

        Launching and Connecting EC2 Instances in an Outpost

        Operating Elastic IP Addresses with EC2 Instances

        Configuring and Testing Local Outpost Connectivity

        Getting Started with Manual AWS Outposts Tasks

        Managing tags, names, and descriptions
        Viewing Outpost details with the console or CLI
        Overview of Local Gateways in an Outpost

        Components of a local gateway
        Working with local gateway tags and route tables
        Creating and deleting VPC associations
        Specifying a VPC Route Tables Target for On-Premises Traffic

        Executing Network Address Translation (NAT) for Customer Dependent Instances

        Sharing and Consuming AWS Outposts Resources

        What are shareable Outpost resources?
        Prerequisites and conditions for resource shareability
        Applying use case scenarios and sharing permissions
        Provisioning for Additional Outpost Built-in Components for System Resiliency

        Securing AWS Outposts and Implementing Data Protection Measures

        Managing user access and credentials
        Compliance to AWS global network security procedures
        Retrieving Outpost Metrics from Amazon CloudWatch

        Integrating AWS Outposts with AWS CloudTrail

        Troubleshooting an Outpost and Reviewing Log File Entries

        Updating with AWS Outposts Support and Maintenance Services

        Summary and Conclusion