課程目錄:Build REST APIs with Python and Flask培訓
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          Build REST APIs with Python and Flask培訓





        Flask and Flask-RESTful Framework

        Templating, routing, forms, and authentication
        Constructs for code scaling
        Database management
        The Fundamentals of APIs and Their Functionality

        Scalar types
        Web Architecture Patterns: the composite pattern, proxy pattern, and facade pattern
        REST Overview

        Get option
        Pull option
        Post option
        Delete option
        Preparing the Development Environment

        Installing Postman
        Installing Python
        Installing and configuring Flask
        Installing Flask-RESTful
        Setting up a URL route
        REST APIs with Flask-RESTful

        Designing and testing an API
        Creating resources
        Creating and storing items
        Refractoring code
        Implementing HTTP verbs
        Using reqparse
        Removing duplication

        Setting up SQLAlchemy
        Creating models
        Testing with Postman
        Defining keys
        Implementing models using SQLAlchemy
        Automating with SQLAlchemy
        Security with REST APIs

        Setting up DNS records
        Creating an SSL certificate
        Adding and using JWT to further security
        Cloud Deployment

        Connecting to a version control system
        Adding a key pair
        Creating a server instance
        Implementing deployment scripts
        Summary and Conclusion