Neural Networks Fundamentals using TensorFlow as Example培訓
TensorFlow Basics
Creation, Initializing, Saving, and Restoring TensorFlow variables
Feeding, Reading and Preloading TensorFlow Data
How to use TensorFlow infrastructure to train models at scale
Visualizing and Evaluating models with TensorBoard
TensorFlow Mechanics
Inputs and Placeholders
Build the GraphS
Train the Model
The Graph
The Session
Train Loop
Evaluate the Model
Build the Eval Graph
Eval Output
The Perceptron
Activation functions
The perceptron learning algorithm
Binary classification with the perceptron
Document classification with the perceptron
Limitations of the perceptron
From the Perceptron to Support Vector Machines
Kernels and the kernel trick
Maximum margin classification and support vectors
Artificial Neural Networks
Nonlinear decision boundaries
Feedforward and feedback artificial neural networks
Multilayer perceptrons
Minimizing the cost function
Forward propagation
Back propagation
Improving the way neural networks learn
Convolutional Neural Networks
Model Architecture
Code Organization
Launching and Training the Model
Evaluating a Model