課程目錄:Hadoop For Administrators培訓(xùn)
        4401 人關(guān)注

           Hadoop For Administrators培訓(xùn)




        Hadoop history, concepts
        High level architecture
        Hadoop myths
        Hadoop challenges (hardware / software)
        Labs: discuss your Big Data projects and problems
        Planning and installation
        Selecting software, Hadoop distributions
        Sizing the cluster, planning for growth
        Selecting hardware and network
        Rack topology
        Directory structure, logs
        Labs: cluster install, run performance benchmarks
        HDFS operations
        Concepts (horizontal scaling, replication, data locality, rack awareness)
        Nodes and daemons (NameNode, Secondary NameNode, HA Standby NameNode, DataNode)
        Health monitoring
        Command-line and browser-based administration
        Adding storage, replacing defective drives
        Labs: getting familiar with HDFS command lines
        Data ingestion
        Flume for logs and other data ingestion into HDFS
        Sqoop for importing from SQL databases to HDFS, as well as exporting back to SQL
        Hadoop data warehousing with Hive
        Copying data between clusters (distcp)
        Using S3 as complementary to HDFS
        Data ingestion best practices and architectures
        Labs: setting up and using Flume, the same for Sqoop
        MapReduce operations and administration
        Parallel computing before mapreduce: compare HPC vs Hadoop administration
        MapReduce cluster loads
        Nodes and Daemons (JobTracker, TaskTracker)
        MapReduce UI walk through
        Mapreduce configuration
        Job config
        Optimizing MapReduce
        Fool-proofing MR: what to tell your programmers
        Labs: running MapReduce examples
        YARN: new architecture and new capabilities
        YARN design goals and implementation architecture
        New actors: ResourceManager, NodeManager, Application Master
        Installing YARN
        Job scheduling under YARN
        Labs: investigate job scheduling
        Advanced topics
        Hardware monitoring
        Cluster monitoring
        Adding and removing servers, upgrading Hadoop
        Backup, recovery and business continuity planning
        Oozie job workflows
        Hadoop high availability (HA)
        Hadoop Federation
        Securing your cluster with Kerberos
        Labs: set up monitoring
        Optional tracks
        Cloudera Manager for cluster administration, monitoring, and routine tasks; installation, use. In this track, all exercises and labs are performed within the Cloudera distribution environment (CDH5)
        Ambari for cluster administration, monitoring, and routine tasks; installation, use. In this track, all exercises and labs are performed within the Ambari cluster manager and Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP 2.0)