課程目錄:Introduction to Linux培訓
        4401 人關注

          Introduction to Linux培訓



        Executing commands from the command line
        Working with files and directories
        The structure of the file system
        Creating and deleting files and directories
        Copying, moving and renaming files and directories
        Viewing file content
        Packing and unpacking files
        Editing files
        'nano' editor
        Editing from the command line with the 'sed' editor
        Working in the shell
        'bash' shell
        Stream redirection
        Initialization files
        File system permissions
        The concept of rights and ownership
        Viewing and verifying permissions
        Absolute and symbolic notation
        Changing permissions with 'chmod'
        Changing ownership with 'chown'
        Working with processes
        Viewing and searching for processes
        Process management
        User management
        User accounts
        Security and password policy
        User privileges
        Network connections
        Making remote connections using 'ssh'
        Downloading files
        Transferring files using 'scp'
        System maintenance
        Resource monitoring
        Task management
        Package management using 'apt' and 'yum'