課程目錄:Build Microservices and API with Go培訓
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          Build Microservices and API with Go培訓





        gRPC Concepts

        Sychronous vs asynchronous
        API surface
        RPC Life cycle
        gRPC vs REST

        gRPC API types
        REST paradigms
        Preparing the Development Environment

        Installing and configuring gRPC
        Installing and configuring Go Micro
        Installing Docker
        Installing Kubernetes
        Setting up Go dependencies
        Setting up a Go HTTP server
        gRPC Streaming

        Implementing unary API client and server
        Implementing server streaming API client and server
        Implementing client streaming API client and server
        Implementing bi-directional API client and server
        Go Microservices

        JSON marshalling Go structures
        JSON umarshalling Go structures
        Building Docker images for Go microservices
        Running containerized locally
        Optimizing the Docker images
        Microservice Ochrestration with Kubernetes

        Deploying Go microservices to Kubernetes
        Implementing descriptors
        Scaling deployments
        Rolling updates
        gRPC Troubleshooting and Security

        Using Error Handling
        Tracking with deadlines
        Creating SSL certificates for SSL encryption
        Summary and Conclusion