Negotiation Skills培訓
What is my personal negotiating style?
- understanding your individual style and its impact in negotiations
Competitive or cooperative?
- knowing the right approach to adopt
The need for creativity and flexibility
- seeking alternatives and solving problems
Expectation management
- how to manage the pre-negotiation and opening stages
Non-verbal communication
- using body language to reinforce what we say
The importance of preparation
- what you need to do before the negotiation commences
Shifting the balance of power
- identifying the strengths and weaknesses of both parties
Goals and objectives
- what does good look like and what is unacceptable?
Looking beyond demands to interests and concerns
- find out what lies behind demands and what really matters to the other party
Identifying variables
- what can we conceed at the lowest cost to us and what do we want to get in return?
Making and justifying proposals
- positioning and demonstrating value in their terms
How to respond to proposals
- explaining why it's unacceptable and making counter proposals
Use of questions
- using conditional questions to test solutions without making firm commitments
The bargaining process
- trading concessions to achieve win/win outcomes
Dealing with deadlock
- tools to help you navigate around impasses
Responding to price challenges
- how to defend your position
Securing the deal
- summarising and closing to avoid costly misunderstandings