BPM for Managers and Analysts Overview培訓(xùn)
Understanding Business Processes
What is a business process
Types of business processes
Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Business Process Modelling (BPMN)
Use Cases
An Incremental Process for Modelling
Process Improvement Life Cycle
Putting the team together
Integration with the development Life Cycle
The process improvement Life Cycle and Radical vs. incremental improvement
Defining Business Processes
Business Use Case Diagrams
Business Use Cases and Business Actors
Modelling Hi-level and Group Processes
Business Process Modelling Workshop (case study)
Mapping into System Requirements
System Use Cases
Mapping Actors and Use Cases
Mapping Activities
Mapping Business Scenarios
Mapping Business Workers
Mapping the Business Entity Model
Mapping Workshop
Preliminary Process Assessment
External factors
Identifying core and supporting processes
Setting up improvement targets
Identifying customers and stakeholders
Business Process Models
Pros and cons of different modelling techniques
Process model components
Intro to use case scenarios
Business objects
Mapping the workflow
Modelling Current Processes
Interviews and focus groups
Modelling conditions, triggers, events and business rules
Levels of abstractions
Modelling tips and techniques
Knowing when to stop
Quantifying Processes
Deciding what and how much to measure
Measuring customer satisfaction
Measuring performance
Measuring efficiency
Analysing Current Processes
Analysing activities
Identifying value-added activities
Analysing workflow patterns and constraints
Dynamic analysis - simulation
Identifying areas of improvement
Modelling New Process
Generating new ideas
Documenting alternatives
Integrating performance measurement mechanisms
Capturing and representing process knowledge
Managing the modelling process
Putting the New Business Process Models to Work
Mapping to systems requirements
Policies and procedures manuals
Models as tools for change management
Process management
Selecting Methods/Tools
Method evaluation and selection and customization
Modelling and simulation tools
Workflow management tools
Intranets and Extranets
Process and knowledge management tools