課程目錄:API Testing with Postman培訓
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          API Testing with Postman培訓




        Postman and API Testing

        API testing vs Unit testing vs UI testing
        Overview of Protocols Supported by Postman

        Soap, Rest, HTTP, GraphQL
        Path parameters vs query parameters
        Fundamentals of API Testing

        Get requests
        Post requests
        Parameterize requests
        Preparing the Development Environment

        Installing and configuring Postman
        Registering in Postman
        Creating API Requests

        Using a test API
        Passing additional data with a request
        Creating dynamic requests with variables
        Importing requests from a browser
        Debugging requests
        Saving and sharing requests
        Inspecting responses
        Testing and Scripting

        Scripting a test
        Testing an API
        Refactoring tests
        API Workflows With GitHub

        Setting up two-factor authentication on Postman and in GitHub
        Creating a simple workflow with GitHub API
        Automating Test Running

        Sampling collection runner
        Using Postman monitors
        Installing NewMan
        Running a collection on Newman and generating a report
        Summary and Conclusion