Deep Learning for NLP (Natural Language Processing)培訓(xùn)
Introduction to Deep Learning for NLP
Differentiating between the various types of DL models
Using pre-trained vs trained models
Using word embeddings and sentiment analysis to extract meaning from text
How Unsupervised Deep Learning works
Installing and Setting Up Python Deep Learning libraries
Using the Keras DL library on top of TensorFlow to allow Python to create captions
Working with Theano (numerical computation library) and TensorFlow (general and linguistics library) to use as extended DL libraries for the purpose of creating captions.
Using Keras on top of TensorFlow or Theano to quickly experiment on Deep Learning
Creating a simple Deep Learning application in TensorFlow to add captions to a collection of pictures
A word on other (specialized) DL frameworks
Deploying your DL application
Using GPUs to accelerate DL
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