課程目錄:Game Development with PyGame培訓
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          Game Development with PyGame培訓





        Overview of PyGame features and components
        PyGame and Python basics
        Getting Started

        Installing PyGame on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.)
        Initializing modules
        Creating a PyGame Application

        Setting display modes (color, background, etc.)
        Exploring bouncing ball game
        Moving and animating objects
        Importing images and music
        Using Blit and Flip
        Creating a Game Over screen
        Expanding Game Options

        Adding game reset, scoring, and randomizing
        Handling events
        Using sprite and camera modules
        Adding custom effects and filters
        Exploring other game examples
        Building and Testing a PyGame Application

        Running the PyGame test suite
        Converting PyGame into an executable file

        Summary and Next Steps