Business Process Re-engineering for Competitive Advantage培訓
Introduction and Overview
The what and why of business process re-engineering (BPR)
Maximising competitive advantage through radical redesign
The need for re-engineering
Determining what re-engineering is and is not
Focusing on the business process
Achieving cost reduction and revenue generation goals
Applying the proven CLAMBRE/UML framework for re-engineering
Modelling standards: UML and BPMN
Customers vs. stakeholders
Identifying activities and information structure
Creative right-brain thinking
Targeting the Customer
Exploring the customer interface
Expanding customer roles with aggregation
Refining customer types using generalisation
Establishing an accurate customer profile
Documenting customer values and needs
Service provision vs. product supply
Evaluating customer satisfaction: quality, flexibility, speed, cost, service
Categorising customer relationships using the PRIDE checklist
Assessing how effectively the business process meets customer needs
Modelling the Business Process
Pinpointing processes for re-engineering
Uncovering core business processes
Choosing suitable metrics to assess process performance
Detecting business process antipatterns
Presenting findings to senior management
Describing worker roles and responsibilities
Identifying anomalies in worker roles using cross-reference matrices
Mapping a business process using UML activity diagrams
Partitioning activities between roles
Analysing the Business Process
Detailing business processes
Selecting appropriate UML tools
Scoping the process with UML use case diagrams
Pinpointing key business actors
Modelling alternative workflows
Capturing ineffective business activities
Exploring the business structure
Revisiting organisation infrastructure
Mapping information using class diagrams
UML business stereotypes
Designating process architecture with communication diagrams
Removing restrictive structures
Redesigning the Business Process
Maximising the benefits of information technology
Web-enabled technology
Interaction through social spaces
Designing future-proof business systems
Business intelligence solutions
Enterprise Information Systems
Redefining customer-process boundaries
Adapting the business process to benefit specific customer types
Integrating and capitalising on technology opportunities
Personalising the process
Meeting and exceeding customer expectations
Creating the new process using the best business practice
Incorporating business patterns
Resolving process anomalies
Comparing strategic alternatives
Ensuring durable, reliable information management
Rolling Out the Re-engineered Process
Re-educating the workforce
Linking metrics with customer satisfaction
Supporting ongoing process improvement
Monitoring and measuring results
Demonstrating success