課程目錄:Applied AI from Scratch培訓
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            Applied AI from Scratch培訓




        Supervised learning: classification and regression
        Bias-variance trade off
        Logistic regression as a classifier
        Measuring classifier performance
        Support vector machines
        Neural networks
        Random forests
        Unsupervised learning: clustering, anomaly detetction
        principal component analysis
        Advanced neural network architectures
        convolutional neural networks for image analysis
        recurrent neural networks for time-structured data
        the long short-term memory cell
        Practical examples of problems that AI can solve, e.g.
        image analysis
        forecasting complex financial series, such as stock prices,
        complex pattern recognition
        natural language processing
        recommender systems
        Software platforms used for AI applications:
        TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe and Keras
        AI at scale with Apache Spark: Mlib
        Understand limitations of AI methods: modes of failure, costs and common difficulties
        biases in observational data
        missing data
        neural network poisoning