Getting Started with BEM (Boundary Element Method)培訓
Boundary Elements vs Finite Elements
How Boundary Elements Integrate with Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and Integrated Engineering Software
Continuous Elements, Discontinuous Elements and Surface Discretization
Versatility through Mesh Regeneration
Case study: Discretization of a Crankshaft
Setting up the Development Environment
Overview of BEM's Mathematical Foundations
Two-dimensional Laplace's Equation -- Solving a Simple Boundary Value Problem
Discontinuous Linear Elements -- Improving Approximations
Two-dimensional Helmholtz Type Equation -- Extending the Analysis
Two-dimensional Diffusion Equation
Green's Functions for Potential Problems
Analyzing Three-dimensional Problems
Analyzing Problems with Stress and Flux Concentrations
Analyzing Torsion, Diffusion, Seepage, Fluid Flow and Electrostatics
Combination with Finite Elements and the Hybrid Method
The Importance of Clean Code
Increasing Computational Performance (Parallel and Vector Computing)