SysML V2培訓
Overview of SysML V2 Features and Architecture
Model-based system engineering (MBSE)
System modeling concepts
SysML versus UML
Exploring Model-Based Systems Engineering
Model-based definition and approach
MBSE methodologies and challenges
Systems modeling language (SysML)
Learning About SysML V2 Improvements
Enhancements and changes
Adoption, visualization, and interoperability
APIs and services
Agile collaborative approach
Understanding Architecture Analysis and Design Integrated Approach (ARCADIA)
Architecture modeling
Development capabilities
Operational analysis and system analysis
Logical architecture and physical architecture
Using the Capella tool
Understanding Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM)
SysML with OOSEM
Top-down object-oriented concepts
Integration with object-oriented development
OOSEM activities and modeling artifacts
Comparing SysML/OOSEM with Arcadia/Capella
Language and diagrams
Modeling with SysML V2
Usage focused modeling
New model elements
Diagram types and functions
Performing a System Reliability Analysis
System dependability
Reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS) Analysis
Reliability requirements analysis
System Modeling and Simulation
System structure modeling
Behavior modeling and integration
System simulation phase
Analyzing Data from Simulations
Results assessment and reports
Reliability analysis case studies (landing gear system and flight management system)
Large-scale systems to system of systems
Summary and Conclusion