Web application development with Flask培訓
Why web frameworks are needed
Overview of available Python web frameworks
Installation of Flask
Routing requests to view functions
Serving static files
Rendering templates with Jinja2
Loops and conditionals
Template inheritance
Macros in templates
Flat pages with Flask-Flatpages
HTML5 Boilerplate as a starting point
Producing JSON
Issuing redirects
Application context and Request context
Dealing with file uploads with Flask-Uploads
Structuring a complex application: how to avoid circular imports
Structuring a complex application: Blueprints
Commonly used ORMs: SQLAlchemy and Peewee
Database migrations
Form validation with WTForms and Flask-WTF
Sending email with Flask-Mail
User session management with Flask-Login and Flask-User
The admin interface created by Flask-Admin
Internationalization with Flask-BabelEx
Preprocessing of frontend files with Flask-lesscss and Flask-Assets
Deploying Flask applications into production