課程目錄:iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10培訓
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           iPhone and iPad Development using Swift 3 and Xcode 8 for iOS 10培訓




        Development environment
        Development environment requirements
        Xcode and the iOS SDK
        Apple Developer Registration
        Reasons why Applications get rejected
        Human Interface Guidelines
        Xcode iOS Projects
        Overview of Xcode
        Creating an iOS project
        Running on simulator and real devices
        Adaptive Layout
        Multiple Device Support
        Icon Sizing and Device Orientation
        UI Components
        Building a User Interface
        Swift programming language overview
        Variables, constants and data types
        Language constructs
        Using Xcode to develop Swift applications
        Swift Classes and Scenes
        Creating Swift classes
        Instance variables and initialisation
        Memory management
        Strong and weak references
        Constructor types
        Protocols, Hashable and Printable
        Creating Scenes
        Implementing View Controllers
        Outlets and Actions
        Working with Graphics
        Adding icons and images
        Using the SpriteKit API
        Animating Sprites
        User Interaction
        Buttons and handlers
        Pan gesture recognition
        Tap gesture recognition
        Multiple Screen Applications
        Table Navigation
        Tabbed Applications
        Navigation Controllers
        Location Services
        Position and Altitude
        Compass Direction
        Device Access and Storage
        File Storage
        Music Library Access
        SQLite Database Access
        Bluetooth API
        Speech Framework
        Speech to text
        Text to Speech
        Network Access
        Serialising and Deserialising JSON
        REST Web Services