Access - podstawy培訓
1. Introduction:
What are relational databases?
When and why should you consider using them
Why Access is such an attractive database
2. Support for existing Access databases:
Overview of basic concepts related to databases
Opening and closing the database
Basic database objects and relationships between them (tables, queries, forms, and reports)
Record operations (add, remove, modify)
Search records, sort and filter
Support for existing forms
Compacting and repairing a database
3. Tables:
Designing new tables
Types of fields and criteria for their selection
Role of primary key
Modify the structure of tables containing data
Import data to and from Excel
4. Relationships:
Links as a way to create a relationship
Create relationships in the relationship window
Relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many
Definition of integrity constraints
5. Query
Create queries using the wizard
Create Queries in Design View
Creating queries based on a single table and multiple relational tables
Types of couplings and their role
Grouping data and calculations in queries
Different types of queries (selecting, joining, creating tables, updating, removing, crossing)
A few words about the syntax and meaning of SQL
Formatting results
Query parameters
Set properties and format query results
Create complex queries
Presentation of potential problems and ways to avoid mistakes
6. Excel collaboration with Access
Export, import and merge data
Create reports in Excel based on data from Access
7. Forms and reports
Create simple forms and reports with wizards
8. Automation work
Introduction to creating macros