Interaction in VR
Welcome to Week 1! In this week, we will cover interaction in VR.
You will discover different types of interaction, and how interaction works with different HMDs.
We'll end the week by introducing you to this MOOC's project.
Moving around in VR
Welcome to Week 2! This week, we'll cover moving around in VR.
We'll look at physical navigation, such as walk-in-place,
and virtual navigation, such as teleportation.
You will end the week by beginning your project, and submitting your work in progress.
Interacting with Objects in VR
Welcome to Week 3! This week, we will be looking at interacting with objects in VR.
We'll cover topics such as interacting with objects within reach, hyper-natural interaction,
and magic interaction. We'll then move on to physics interaction, and how this works in VR.
Challenges in VR interaction and User Interfaces in VR
Welcome to Week 4! In the final week of this MOOC,
we'll be looking at challenges in VR interaction, and user interfaces in VR.
You'll begin by learning about graphical user interfaces in VR,
including abstract interfaces and diegetic and non-diegetic UI, before moving on to designing VR interaction.