課程目錄: 使用AngularJS創(chuàng)建單頁應(yīng)用培訓(xùn)

        4401 人關(guān)注




        Module 2 - Filters, Digest Cycle, Controller Inheritance, and Custom Services

        We will start this module by learning how to use Angular filters to manipulate

        our data into the format we want and learn how to create our own custom filters.

        We will then dive deep into the digest cycle, which is the process AngularJS uses

        to magically update our web page with the bound data from our ViewModel

        or the controller. Understanding this process is crucial in getting comfortable with AngularJS.

        We'll also see some cases where we'll need to assist that process somewhat and understand why that is.

        After that, we'll learn one of the most fundamental concepts in the Javascript programming language,

        which is Prototypal Inheritance. Clear understanding of that topic is a must before

        we talk about inheritance between AngularJS controllers in our application.

        We'll finish off the module by learning how to create our own custom Angular services as well as how to configure them.

        With custom Angular services we'll be able to share data across different controllers or other components in our application.

        We will also learn a few useful Angular directives that allow us to place looping and conditional logic direction into our HTML.

        You'll see that by the end of this module, you'll have the skills to create a fairly sophisticated

        web application that starts to use some of the more advanced software architecture techniques.


        Week 3 - Promises, Ajax, and Custom Directives

        Welcome to module 3! In this module, we go over a lot of essential features of AngularJS.

        We will start with learning about the Promise API. While Promises are essential to Angular,

        this topic reaches far beyond Angular. It's really an essential topic to understanding modern

        web development with Javascript. We will also learn about making calls to the server through

        the built in Angular service called the HTTP service. We'll finish off the module by spending

        a considerable amount of time on THE crown feature of AngularJS: directives. Directives are really

        at the core of the entire framework. They not only allow us to extend the functionality

        of existing HTML elements, which is already pretty amazing in an of itself, but they also allow us

        to create our own element with custom view and custom behavior. Pretty exciting stuff!

        Module 4 - Components, Events, Modules, and Routing

        In this module, we start by introducing the idea of Component-based architecture.

        We will then delve into the AngularJS component API.

        The component API is something that was just recently added into Angular 1 and it's not only supposed

        to improve your application through the use of Component-based architecture, but also prepare

        you for an upgrade to Angular version 2, which uses components almost exclusively.

        We will then learn about the AngularJS event system and how

        to split up our application into smaller modules that can then be glued together to produce

        our final application. We'll finish off the module by diving fairly deep into Routing between views

        in your application and, specifically, into the use of the ui-router module, which is one

        of the most popular open source routing solutions within the AngularJS ecosystem.

        In fact, it's so popular that even the main Google documentation for routing in Angular links to ui-router.

        Routing is a very important topic. Without it,

        your Single Page Application is stuck displaying just 1 view, without an elegant way to display other views.

        Module 5 - Form Validation, Testing, and Restaurant Site Development

        Welcome to module 5! This is the last module in the course.

        We'll start this module by learning just how easy it is to validate forms with Angular.

        We will then delve into unit testing our AngularJS code. We will go over how to set up tests for every type

        of major Angular artifact: controller, service, directive, and component,

        as well as how to test services that access the network through the

        HTTP service. However, the last part of the module is the most fun.

        We will take the site that was developed for our real client

        in my previous course and re-write the entire thing using AngularJS.

        However, the coding fun doesn't have to stop there.

        After you finish the required part of the course, you can move on to the optional bonus part where

        we take our newly developed AngularJS application and enhance with

        it even more features that will allow the restaurant owners to administer their own data.

        We'll go over setting up authentication, editing restaurant menu items, uploading menu item pictures and so on.