課程目錄: CERTaIN:CER/PCOR方法概論培訓

        4401 人關注




        Basic Statistics for PCOR/CER ISampling methods
        Stratification and controlling for bias and confounding
        Study power
        Sample size
        Common study designsBasic Statistics for PCOR/CER II

        Types of data
        Parametric and non-parametric measures
        Relationship between sample size and standard deviation
        Odds ratios and relative risks
        P-values and confidence intervalsEthics

        Seven principles of research ethics and their application to CER/PCOR
        History of ethics in researchIntroduction to Comparative Effectiveness and Patient-Centered Outcomes ResearchExamples of CER/PCOR
        CER vs. randomized controlled trials
        Patient-centered outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)