課程目錄: TensorFlow入門培訓

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        The tool we will use to write machine learning programs

        is TensorFlow and so in this course, we will introduce

        you to TensorFlow. In the first course, you learned how

        to formulate business problems as machine learning problems and in the second course,

        you learned how machine works in practice and how to create datasets that

        you can use for machine learning. Now that you have the data in place,

        you are ready to get started writing machine learning programs.

        Core TensorFlow

        We will introduce you to the core components of TensorFlow and

        you will get hands-on practice building machine learning programs.

        You will compare and write lazy evaluation and imperative programs,

        work with graphs, sessions, variables, as finally debug TensorFlow programs.

        Estimator API

        In this module we will walk you through the Estimator API.


        Scaling TensorFlow models

        I’m here to talk about how you would

        go about taking your TensorFlow model and training it on GCP’s managed infrastructure for machine learning model training and deployed.


        Here we summarize the TensorFlow topics we covered so far in this course.

        We'll revisit core TensorFlow code, the Estimator API,

        and end with scaling your machine learning models with Cloud Machine Learning Engine.