課程目錄: 生物學中的大數據培訓

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        Week 1: Identifying the Culprit in a Food Poisoning Outbreak

        This week, we will apply genome sequencing algorithms

        to identify the bacterium causing a deadly food poisoning outbreak.

        Week 2: Comparing Gene Expression in Tissue Samples with RNA-Seq

        In this week's Application Challenge,

        we will learn how RNA-Sequencing can be applied to perform tissue-level gene expression analysis.

        In particular, which is more similar on a gene expression level: different tissues from the same organism,

        or analogous tissues from related species? This question

        was the subject of recent debate and a Twitter controversy -- read more to find out!

        Week 3: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Whole Genome and Whole Exome Sequencing on a Human Sample

        Comparing the differences between sequencing an entire human genome and sequencing only the exome,

        or the DNA that is eventually translated into protein.

        Can we obtain a complete picture of someone's genetic disease predispositions from only the exome,

        or is there information lurking in introns that can provide doctors with vital information?

        How do we weigh the trade-offs when considering genome and exome sequencing?