Introduction and Motivation
Classical Encryption Schemes
Principles of Modern Cryptography
Perfect Secrecy and Its Limitations
Private-Key Encryption
Computational Security
Pseudorandom Generators and Stream Ciphers
Pseudorandom Functions and Block Ciphers
Modes of Encryption
Security against Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks and Padding-Oracle Attacks
Message Authentication
Secrecy vs. Integrity
Message Authentication Codes
Authenticated EncryptionHash Functions
Security Requirements
Additional Applications of Hash FunctionsNumber Theory and Mathematical Background
The Public-Key Revolution
Key Distribution and Key Management
Diffie-Hellman Key ExchangePublic-Key Encryption
Definitions of Security
Hybrid Encryption and the KEM/DEM Paradigm
El Gamal Encryption and DHIES
RSA Encryption and the RSA PKCS #1 StandardDigital Signatures
Signatures vs. MACs
RSA-Based Signatures and the RSA PKCS #1 Standard
Public-Key Infrastructures