Week 1: Software Engineering: From Chaos to Technology
Introduction to basic software engineering concepts,
such as software system and software application, as well as the
concept of enterprise. Week 2: Software Lifecycles
Introduction to software development lifecycle,
including its basic stages, entry/exit criteria and key deliverables.
Week 3: Basic Lifecycle Models
Overview of the software lifecycle models, including waterfall,
incremental and rapid prototyping. Week 4: Advanced
Lifecycle Models
Comparative study of more complex software lifecycle models,
including spiral and object-oriented. Week 5: Methodologies: The Rational Process
Overview of the software development methodologies, including roles,
artifacts and key deliverables for the Rational Unified Process (RUP). Week 6: Methodologies: The Microsoft Process
Comparative study of the RUP methodology and Microsoft Solution Framework. Week 7: Conclusion and Perspectives
Summary of the lessons learned on managing the lifecycles for large-scale software development,
including major challenges and promising approaches.