Oracle 10g: Programming with SQL培訓
Oracle 10g: Programming with SQL培訓
1. Introduction to Oracle and SQL in Oracle Database 10g
Basic principles of the relational model for databases
Use an entity relationship model to design a relational database
Main features and functions of the Oracle Database 10g release
Write basic SELECT statements for extracting data from a database
Enhance SQL statements to refine query results
Retrieve data from an Oracle 10g database using the SQL SELECT statement
Interact with script files in iSQL*Plus
Use iSQL* Plus in an Oracle 10g database to execute SQL statements and interact with script files
Use the WHERE clause to restrict the data returned by a SQL statement
Use the ORDER BY clause and substitution variables in SQL statements
2. SQL Functions in Oracle Database 10g
Use case and character-manipulation functions in SQL statements
Use number and date functions in SQL statements
Use number, character, and date functions to manipulate data values
Purpose of SQL datatype conversion functions in Oracle 10g
Use the TO_CHAR conversion function with dates and numbers
Use the TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE conversion functions
Use conversion functions to convert values in SQL statements
Use general functions in SQL statements
Use conditional expressions in SQL statements
Use general and conditional functions in SQL statements
3. Displaying Multiple Table Data and Using Set Operators in Oracle Database 10g
Retrieve records using the NATURAL JOIN and USING clauses
Retrieve data by creating joins with the ON clause
Use outer joins and generate Cartesian products
Use joins to retrieve data from multiple tables
Write SQL queries using set operators
Comply with rules for using set operators
Use the UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS operators in SQL queries
4. Group and Datetime Functions in Oracle Database 10g
Retrieve data using group functions
Write SQL queries that group and restrict output rows
Write SQL queries that use group functions, the GROUP BY clause, and the HAVING clause
Use the ROLLUP and CUBE operations and the GROUPING function in SQL queries
Use the GROUPING SETS function and specify composite columns and concatenated grouping sets
Write queries using ROLLUP and CUBE operators, GROUPING functions, and GROUPING SETS
Set time zone values and retrieve date and time values
Use date-related datatypes and date-related functions in Oracle 10g
Write SQL queries using datetime functions
5. Subqueries and Hierarchical Queries in Oracle Database 10g
Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries
Use subqueries to solve queries in an Oracle database
Write multiple-column, scalar, and correlated subqueries
Use the EXISTS, UPDATE, DELETE, and WITH clauses
Solve problems using multiple-column, correlated, and scalar subqueries and using the WITH clause
Use hierarchical queries to create tree-structured reports
Write hierarchical queries
6. Regular Expressions and User Access in Oracle Database 10g
Use regular expression support in SQL
Use regular expression functions to search, match, and replace strings
Use regular expression support to search for and manipulate strings
Create users, grant system privileges, assign roles, and change passwords
Grant, pass on, confirm, and revoke object privileges
Write SQL statements to control user access to an Oracle database
7. Creating and Managing Tables and Constraints in Oracle Database 10g
Create simple tables in Oracle 10g
Modify table structure and drop tables
Create, modify, and drop a table
Create table constraints
Manage constraints in an Oracle 10g database
Create and manage table constraints
8. Database Objects in Oracle Database 10g
Create simple and complex views in Oracle 10g
Modify, remove, and perform DML operations on views
Create and modify views in Oracle 10g
Use sequences in Oracle 10g
Create and remove indexes and synonyms
Create a sequence, index, and synonym
9. Managing Database Objects in Oracle Database 10g
Create external tables and identify how to query them
Create and query external tables in Oracle 10g
View information about user objects, tables, and columns using data dictionary views
Query the dictionary views for object, table, and column information
View information about constraints, views, sequences, synonyms, and comments using data dictionary views
Query the data dictionary view for information about constraints, views, sequences, synonyms, and comments
10. Manipulating Data in Oracle Database 10g
Insert rows into a table
Update and delete rows in a table
Insert, update, and delete data
Control data changes and identify how read consistency is implemented
Control data changes using the COMMIT, SAVEPOINT, and ROLLBACK statements
Manipulate data in Oracle 10g by using subqueries
Use various types of multitable inserts
Use the MERGE statement and the Flashback Version Query feature
Perform multitable INSERT and MERGE operations, and track row versions